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Compare similar bit models

Many of our bits may look similar, but they actually have unique features that can make a huge difference for you and your horse.


What's the difference between Dylan and Mattias?

Both Dylan and Mattias have the same shape with laying joints and tongue relief. The Horizontal joints will lay flat against the tongue and palate to give a more gentle pressure on the tongue than vertical joints. This can be good for horses that can overreact when you take the reins and need to keep the consistent contact through every movement. It's also a good option for horses with a low palate even though it has a tongue relief, thanks to the laying joints.

Dylan vs Mattias

The difference between Dylan and Mattias is that Mattias has a special lockup function. Mattias locks upwards against the palate to protect the bars and palate. It also gives a more stable feeling in the hand.



Dylan has no lockup effect and can bend freely in all directions, making it more flexible.



Mattias has a lockup effect and cannot bend upwards against the palate, making it more stable.

What difference does it make for me and my horse?

The most significant difference you will feel as a rider is that Mattias will give you a more stable, consistent feeling in the hand. This can be good if your horse can have trouble keeping a consistent contact when you move your hands. Dylan will give you a more flexible feeling when you take the reins, but at the same time, it still works well for a horse that can overreact when you take the reins, thanks to the flat joints.

If your horse has an overly sensitive tongue, Dylan is often a popular choice, as your horse can still lift the bit up from the tongue and move it more freely. However, if your horse has sensitive bars and palate, Mattias is more gentle to the bars and palate, thanks to the lockup effect.

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