undefinedCurb bits
undefinedIcelandic Shanks
undefinedJamila Icelandic Lozenge Sweet iron First edition
170.00 USD
85.00 USD
105 mm
OBSERVE, old design, not approved for FEIF competition!
“Finally we can introduce what Fager and I have been working on. After trying most shanks on the market, and choosing the best part, we now have the result!”
– Jamila Berg
We at Fager are very proud to announce our collaboration with Jamila Berg.
Jamila's amazing riding and presentations over the years have not escaped anyone in the Icelandic world.
After our collaboration began in 2021, Jamila had a clear vision of what she wanted. After several prototypes and a lot of testing, this is the result, and we are more than pleased. This design is made to fit many horses, where you can adjust the leverage to achieve the best result for you and your horse. Fancy a go?
Click here to see all measurements
How should my Fager bit sit?
10.00 USD
13.00 USD
32.00 USD
16.00 USD