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Compare similar bit models

Many of our bits may look similar, but they actually have unique features that can make a huge difference for you and your horse.


What's the difference between Harald, Simon and Harry?

All 3 bits are straight with a sweet iron cover. The only difference is the level of tongue and bar relief.

What should you think about when you choose the shape of the mouthpiece?



Harry has a neutral shape that fits all types of horses. As the bit has no port for the tongue, it will give more relief for the bars which is the most sensitive part of the horse's mouth. Harry is a good bit to have in your tack room and change between to vary the pressure and protect the sensitive parts of the mouth.



Simon has a small port that follows the natural shape of the mouth. For horses that may find too much tongue pressure uncomfortable, this can be a good choice to vary between to give more space to the tongue and less pressure. Depending on how big the tongue is, how the bars look, and how low/high palate your horse has, this bit is still gentle to the bars for most of the horses as the port isn't very big.



Harald has a big port that offers as little pressure on the tongue as possible. This can be good for horses with a very sensitive tongue who can pull the tongue behind the bit or over the bit, and find the tongue pressure very uncomfortable. However, a big port should not be used too many days a week as it will put more pressure on the bars, so we recommend changing between this bit and a bit without tongue relief/with a smaller tongue relief, like Harry or Simon, to protect the sensitive parts of the mouth.

How do I know what can fit my horse?

Do you feel unsure of how your horse looks in the mouth, if it has a big or small tongue for example? Ask your horse dentist the next time your horse has an appointment and they will help you.

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